John 3 : 16
Malachai 4 : 5, 6
Home prayer meeting on March 12
Mega concert — March 2nd, 2025
Home service (snowy streets)
We are pleased to welcome you to our church. L’Église de la Parole vivante (The Church of the Living Word) is a non-denominational church that began in Montreal during the 1970’s.
Brother George Fergusson, after much hesitation, finally heeded the call of the Holy Spirit and immigrated to Canada. He settled in Montreal, Quebec holding services in the home of Sister Simoneau and thus began a great missionary work. With the help of brothers such as Brother Drapeau and Brother Lupien, this dedicated missionary relentlessly traveled not only throughout the province of Quebec but also into western Canada gathering souls for the kingdom and building sister churches where the unadulterated Message of Brother William Marion Branham is still preached to this day.
L’Église de la Parole vivante was blessed to house the operations of the French sector of the Voice of God Recordings, headquartered in Jeffersonville, Indiana USA during the 1980’s. The church is still very active in supporting this great work and encouraging this blessed task of distributing the sermons of Brother William Marion Branham throughout the world and in numerous languages.
Brother Fergusson was shepherd over the believers of the Montreal church from the beginning until the year 2002 when he succeeded by Brother Malcolm Webster who had been his assistant for a number of years.
What We Believe
We Believe
that the church is a place of worship and prayer for all of those who are seeking God with all their heart. More specifically it is a place where those who want to know God and grow in the light of the Word revealed by a confirmed prophet may do so freely and respectfully in an atmosphere of love. This quote from a sermon by Brother Branham titled God Hiding Himself In Simplicity (63-0317M) gives a good description of this position.
Now, I think it’s our duty to make the inside right by the grace of God to be so grateful to God that our… This will just not only be a beautiful building that we’ll come to, but may everyone who comes in see the beautiful characteristic of Jesus Christ in every person that comes in. May it be a consecrated place to our Lord, a consecrated people, for no matter how beautiful the structure is (that we certainly do appreciate), the beauty of the church is the character of the people. I trust it’ll always be a house of God of beauty.
We believe and are spiritually fed by ALL the message of Brother William Marion Branham who is the prophet Elijah spoken of in Malachi 4:5-6. We believe that through his Powerful Ministry these biblical prophecies have come to pass: Matthew 17:11, Acts 3:19-21, Joel 2:23-26, Luc 17:30 and Revelation 10:7.
Brother Branham is the Prophet sent to restore the apostolic faith that was abandoned by the denominational church throughout the church ages (Revelation chapters 2 and 3) so that they could cling to their dogmas and false interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. The bible is very clear about interpretation of scripture as mentioned in II Peter 1:20-21:
knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
The Word of God comes to prophets and ONLY to prophets according to the scriptures (Amos 3:7). That is why we believe that Brother William Marion Branham, a major prophet vindicated and confirmed by God, is the only one that has the authority to interpret the Word of God in this Laodicean Church Age. No pastor, teacher, evangelist, doctor or apostle of any church, anywhere, can ever claim to have that right, for in doing so he will undoubtedly lead his listeners in error and confusion.
We believe that ALL the teachings and preaching of Brother Branham are Thus Saith The Lord and that no error is to be found therein. Whether it be teaching on the Godhead condemning the Trinity doctrine (one God in three persons), teaching baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, teaching on the Serpent’s Seed, or the teaching on the Sudden Secret Rapture of the Bride of Christ, to name a few, we believe it all. If you may find our position a bit extreme, what would you say to this declaration Brother Branham makes in The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, Chapter 9?
On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth.
Therefore, if you strongly desire, like we do, to be restored to the image of God and to live the complete Word of God manifested in this age, body, soul and spirit, then we invite you to come and worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with us.
God bless you.